Marriott Hotel Karachi
August 18, 2017 Senior Management Members were cordially invited toattend a cherished evening of Dinner Get Together with their Spouse. Syed Nadeem Ahmed, CEO The Searle Company Limited expressed his contentment and shared the progress of the organization. Moreover, he acknowledged each Head of Department for their efforts. Mr.Zubair Palwala also spokegenerous words to acknowledge CEO and Chairman. It was an occasion where not only the Colleagues interacted but also their Spouse got the opportunity to meet and mingle with others. The mood of the event was light with congenial interactions, spread of smiles and appreciation for each other. As remembrance to the event, the couples had their moment to get their photographs taken against the Searle Media Wall. Also each spouse was presented with a surprise gift as a token of gratitude from Searle for coming and adding value to this occasion.